Along with making people feel more beautiful, makeup is also a form of expression and can reveal a lot about your personal style, artistic leanings, and mood. Our team at Radiant Skin is proud to help women and men throughout Zionsville and the Indianapolis area love the way they look in their day-to-day lives. We offer personalized treatments for patients at our facility, including high-quality semi-permanent makeup services by our certified PMU artist.
After your initial appointment, a 6-8 week touch up appointment will be scheduled! Lasts 1 – 3 years and can be maintained with annual touch-ups. Give us a call at 317-344-2972 for questions or to schedule!
Call us at 317-344-2972 — or click here to book your personalized consultation. We can’t wait to see you and take care of you at Radiant Skin!
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